A FedEx carrier in Georgia turned to TikTok to help a 6-year-old fan send a gift to skateboarding pro Tony Hawk.
“The least I can do is put it out there in the universe,” he said in his TikTok video..Cooper Morgan’s skateboard. The six-year-old boy flagged FedEx driver Mikail Farrar to help him send the skateboard to Tony Hawk.The universe delivered.Farrar told CNN he posted the video in the afternoon, but didn’t check TikTok again until the evening, when suddenly his phone started blowing up.A well placed tag in the video’s caption and hundreds of thousands of likes and additional tags from TikTok users helped Cooper’s gift reach the right recipient.Hawk, who hadn’t used TikTok since 2018, filmed a video response.”I just want to say thank you so much for the skateboard. It’s on my way to my house already, and as a thank you gift I’m gonna send you my skateboard, this one right here that I’m riding,” Hawk said, adding that he hopes to meet Cooper sometime.
Hawk later left a comment to the video: “Thanks boys! I’ll send something for Tucker too. And thank YOU Mikail for connecting all of us.”Hawk’s package with three brand new skateboards arrived at the boys’ house Thursday morning.