Pilot Saves The Day For A Little Girl Who Lost Her Tooth On The Plane On a recent flight from New York to South Carolina, 6-year-old Lena lost one of her bottom teeth. She fell asleep on the plane, and when she woke up, the tooth was gone. Their flight from New York to South Carolina was their last flight on a long travel day from Norway. Lena and her mother tried to go back through security to search the plane for her tooth, but it was 2 a.m. and security was closed. Seeing Lena’s distress, Captain Josh Duchow offered to write a note to the tooth fairy to explain the situation. “Dear Tooth Fairy, Lena had a tooth fall out on her flight to Greenville. Please take this note in place of her tooth. Captain Josh”
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Pilot Saves The Day For A Little Girl Who Lost Her Tooth
