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Donating to a worthy cause or helping someone whose life is less privileged. Put the Power of Humans™ to work. And the world will be a little better, one act of kindness at a time.

Camp Hometown Heroes is a free week-long overnight summer camp for children and siblings of fallen U.S. Service Members who died in any manner including combat, accidents, illness or suicide.

Each summer, 200 campers, ages 7–17 from across the country join other children who have experienced a similar loss, to begin the healing process, while also participating in the summer camp activities they love. In 2017, Hometown Heroes, Inc. secured Turning Rivers and with this we gave our campers a permanent home. Over the years, Camp Hometown Heroes has changed the lives of hundreds of children.

CAMP Reunite provides hope, healing and resiliency by strengthening the bond between children and their incarcerated parents.

Utilizing trauma-informed care practices in a supportive camp setting, Camp Reunite provides children with coping skills, conflict resolution strategies and increased resiliency. Through extended and meaningful visits to correctional institutions, children have the opportunity to reconnect with their parent. As all the children share the bond of having an incarcerated parent, Camp Reunite is a place of unparalleled acceptance and understanding. Wisconsin based Camp Reunite is the only known program of its kind anywhere in the nation.