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Pay it Forward with Kindness

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Last weekend, I coupled the $30 received in the pay it forward envelope with $100 of my own to support a local family who is dealing with a sudden and difficult loss. A good friend of mine shared a heartbreaking story that her cousin lost his 45-year old wife unexpectedly on February 11. She leaves a grieving husband and four children who live in nearby Campbellsport. Given the timing of Random Acts of Kindness Week, I wanted to be sure to support this family and donated to a Go Fund Me page that has been established for them. I can’t imagine how this young husband and children are dealing with this loss and know that no amount of money will bring back their dear wife and mom. But I do believe that the support of their community, their family, their friends and even strangers like me, can help ease their anxiety of what the future holds.

March 28, 2022

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